Transform Cardiovascular Care to Improve Patient Experience and Value
Optimize Heart Care Outcomes Through National Collaboration, Innovation and Research

Value-Based Best Practices
Collaboration & Transparency
Stewardship of Healthcare & Costs
Quality and Patient Centered
Innovation; Data and Analytic-Driven
Statement of Inclusion
The Virginia Cardiac Services Quality Initiative (VCSQI) is committed to promoting and developing best practices that embody equity and inclusion within every aspect of the Heart Team approach to care. We are dedicated to enhancing the cultural competency of our members by recognizing, educating, and calling forth opportunities that further enhance the value of diverse cultures, beliefs, and identities. We strive for all patients in need to receive the care they require and will assist our member institutions in any way possible to overcome disparities in healthcare

Optimize Heart Care Outcomes Through National Collaboration, Innovation and Research

Value-Based Best Practices
Collaboration & Transparency
Stewardship of Healthcare & Costs
Quality and Patient Centered
Innovation; Data and Analytic-Driven
VCSQI’s goal is to improve clinical quality in all cardiac service programs through outcomes analysis and process improvements. Additionally, VCSQI’s clinical/financial database helps reduce costs through reductions in complications and unnecessary resource utilization. The organization’s two main objectives are the following:
Improve Quality, Patient Care and Cost
VCSQI members collaborate to analyze hospital processes, work to identify opportunities for improvement and help implement relevant best practice protocols. Members believe that by improving quality and patient care costs can be contained. Through the use of its clinical/financial database VCSQI improves the quality of care for cardiology and cardiac surgery patients, reduces complications, better coordinates care across both specialties to improve efficiencies in cardiac services care and ultimately reduces costs.
Enhance Communication
VCSQI is positioned as a reliable statewide source of information. VCSQI serves as the interface to communicate process of care information between member sites, eliminates decision making in silos and connects clinical teams. It augments its regional peer-to- peer interactions with more structured educational media and remote/online technologies.
VCSQI focuses on improving outcomes through changes in processes of care and replication of best practices. The organization serves as a peer-to-peer value exchange whose work:
Promotes the adoption of evidence-based best practices
Ensures fair and accurate reporting
Operationalizes Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) across a span of cardiology and cardiac surgery procedures
Monitors and improves clinical and financial outcomes
The objective is to help members find quality improvement opportunities to better utilize resources, contain costs, effectively redesign clinical processes and modify provider behavior using the best available evidence.
The organization provides value to its stakeholders by improving the quality of care through data analysis and implementing best practices protocols. VCSQI collaborates on quality by combining effective communications with solid evidence which translates into process-of-care changes. Benefits include lowered costs of care, enhanced clinical effectiveness, increased accountability, reduced regional variations, stronger alliances between heart team members and improved patient satisfaction. VCSQI achieves this through:
VCSQI’s Heart Team model of collaboration between cardiac surgery and cardiology practices helps to broaden its sphere of influence and is utilized as a means for setting priorities, synchronizing efforts, and managing data. VCSQI’s programs effectively convene leaders, use leading technology for regional information sharing, replicate best practices through educational programs and improve care processes through systems change. Additionally, this model tasks regional and local teams to review patient medical conditions, determine feasible treatment options and formulate reasonable strategies of patient care. These teams are situated within local provider organizations and in coordination externally with VCSQI.
VCSQI assumes an expanded role promoting a culture of continuous quality improvement for the entire cardiac services community. Participation is open, voluntary and equitable. The organization is a consortium of 18 cardiac surgical practices and 16 interventional cardiology sites and projects are led by the Board of Directors and developed by the Quality Committee and Research and Writing Committee.